OpenStack Virtual Baremetal Master is Now 2.0-dev

As promised in my previous update on OVB, the 2.0-dev branch has been merged to master. If this breaks you, switch to the stable/1.0 branch, which is the same as master was prior to the 2.0-dev merge. Note that this does not mean OVB is officially 2.0 yet. I've found a couple more deprecated things that need to be removed before we declare 2.0. That will likely happen soon though.

OpenStack Virtual Baremetal Import Plans

There is some work underway to import the OVB repo from Github into the OpenStack Gerrit instance. This will allow us to more easily set up gate jobs so proposed changes can be tested automatically instead of the current "system" which involves me pulling down changes and running the test script against them. It will have some implications for users of OVB in the near future, so this is a summary of the plans and actions that need to be taken.

User Self-Registration Disabled

As I was going through cleaning up all of the spam accounts created on this blog over the holidays, it occurred to me that there have been precisely zero legitimate comments made in the approximately five years that it has existed. This makes me think that the time I've spent cleaning up after spammers has been wasted, and I'm no longer going to do it. As a result, user registration is now limited to administrators (me) so if you really want to comment on a post you'll need to ask me for an account through one of the contact methods listed in the About page

Openstack Virtual Baremetal 2.0 Update

As mentioned in a previous update, OVB 2.0 is coming. This update to is to notify everyone that a development branch is available in the repo and discuss some of the changes made so far.

Upstream OpenStack Performance and Release-Shaming

These topics may seem like strange bedfellows, but trust me: there's a method to my madness. Originally this was going to be part of my Berlin summit post, but as I was writing it got rather long and I started to feel it was important enough to deserve a standalone post. Since there are two separate but related topics here, I've split the post. If you're interested in my technical thoughts on upstream performance testing, read on. If you're only interested in the click-baity release-shaming part, feel free to skip to that section. It mostly stands on its own.

Berlin Summit Recap

Since there was only one Oslo session and a couple of Designate sessions that I was able to attend, this update is going to be a bit of a grab-bag of topics. Hopefully I have some interesting thoughts on them. :-)

Corporate Google Calendar in Thunderbird Revisited

In a previous post I discussed my trials and tribulations integrating Google Calendar with Thunderbird. Unfortunately the Lightning plugin doesn't work with my corporate calendar, so I had to find another solution. Sadly, after my latest Thunderbird update the alternate plugin I was using no longer works.

Validator Tool for oslo.config

This is an announcement that we recently merged a new feature to oslo.config for validating the contents of config files. This has been an oft-requested feature, but in the past it was difficult to implement because config opts are registered dynamically at runtime and there's no good way to know for sure when all of them are present.

OVB 1.0 and Upcoming Changes

The time has come to declare a 1.0 version for OVB. There are a couple of reasons for this:

  1. OVB has been stable for quite a while
  2. It's time to start dropping support for ancient behaviors/clouds

Blog Host Migration

This is just a quick update to note that this blog migrated to a new host last night. Everything seems to have gone pretty smoothly, other than the fact that they didn't tell me when they were going to do it and shut down the old host immediately. As a result, there was some downtime. If you do happen to notice anything still not working correctly please let me know.


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