Using Dracut to Build Deployment Ramdisks

For TripleO I was tasked with enabling our deployment ramdisks to be built with Dracut. There are a couple of reasons we want to do this.

Juno Summit Thoughts

I attended my first OpenStack Summit in Atlanta last week, and now that I'm (mostly) recovered I wanted to write down some of my thoughts about the experience.

Updating Drupal on OpenShift

The first security update for Drupal since I started this blog was released a while back, and I negligently dragged my feet in actually applying it here because I was unsure how to do so in OpenShift. It turns out to be quite simple, but it did take me a while to figure out all the steps so I figured I would write them down here to help anyone else doing the same thing.

My Devtest Workflow

I said in a previous post that I would write something up about my devtest workflow once I had it nailed down a bit more, and although it's an always-evolving thing, I think I've got a pretty good setup at this point so I figured I'd go ahead and write it up. Instead of including scripts and such here, I'm just going to link to my Github repo where all of this stuff is stored and reference those scripts in this post.

Python 2.6 and Tox

Just ran into an issue running tox in diskimage-builder on a CentOS 6.5 instance I booted to test a change that failed the python26 gate test, so I thought I'd post the fix in case anyone else hits the same thing.

Using pypi-mirror with devtest

A full run of TripleO's devtest takes a long time - around an hour or more on my i7/16GB box even with a hot squid cache. Quite a bit of the time is spent building images, and there are a few ways to speed that up, some of which are easier than others.

OpenStack Development System Setup

I've been meaning to write something up about how I set up my OpenStack development environment because there are some handy things you can do before you even get started that will likely save you some hassle down the line. I've recently discovered that there are rather varied ways other people are doing this sort of thing, so keep in mind that this isn't the "right" way, it isn't the best way, but it's what works for me.

PSA: Review Requests

Since this comes up on a fairly regular basis, please note that community policy says review requests should not be posted to the openstack-dev list. For details and the correct methods to use, see Thierry's mailing list entry on the topic:

As an added bonus, now I don't have to search the archives to find that when I need to link someone to it. :-)


Things I Thought I Knew

It's been a humbling week for me. Which is good because it means I'm learning things, but I will admit it would be nice to not find out I'm completely wrong about quite so many things in such a short span of time. I figured I would share what I've learned so it might be useful to someone else, because evidently it wasn't obvious to me.

EBay Servers

When I was out in Raleigh for orientation I was belatedly introduced to the wonderful world of used server hardware. Like most computer geeks (or is nerds the more acceptable term? I can never remember, which probably tells you how much I care about the issue), I believe in owning as many overpowered computers as possible. Up until recently I had been falling behind somewhat on that, but the discovery of EBay servers went a long way to changing it. I'm sure a lot of people already know about these, but if you're reading this I'm going to assume you don't.


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