EBay Servers

When I was out in Raleigh for orientation I was belatedly introduced to the wonderful world of used server hardware. Like most computer geeks (or is nerds the more acceptable term? I can never remember, which probably tells you how much I care about the issue), I believe in owning as many overpowered computers as possible. Up until recently I had been falling behind somewhat on that, but the discovery of EBay servers went a long way to changing it. I'm sure a lot of people already know about these, but if you're reading this I'm going to assume you don't.

Hello World

It's a rule that I have to use this title for my first post, right? ;-)

In any case, if you're wondering who I am, what this is, and why any of this matters to you, check the About page. It might not answer all of your questions, but it'll be a start. Beyond that, watch this space for more - and hopefully more interesting - content in the future. I have some ideas for things I'd like to throw up here for the world to see, but these things take time and there never seems to be enough of that.


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