Submitted by bnemec on Wed, 11/01/2017 - 16:21
I was asked to look into integrating Ansible Tower with TripleO a while back. It actually wasn't that difficult to do, but I've finally gotten around to recording a demo video showing how. In this post I will also provide a brief overview of how I installed Ansible Tower.
Submitted by bnemec on Thu, 10/20/2016 - 19:35
I've been meaning to do something like this for about 3 years and finally got around to it. It's a video series in which I go over a number of common Git and Gerrit activities for doing OpenStack development. As I mention in the intro, this isn't intended to be Baby's First Git/OpenStack Tutorial (although I do go over some pretty basic stuff) because there are other resources for that. What it is intended to cover is the stuff I periodically see questions about from other OpenStack developers. I'm hoping it will be helpful for new and even more experienced developers.
Submitted by bnemec on Fri, 08/05/2016 - 22:26
I've finally gotten around to recording a demo of the current iteration of my tool to generate TripleO network isolation templates. You can watch the demo video (in which I say "umm". A lot. Sorry.) or check out the tool itself. There are also some templates generated with the tool if you want examples to start from.
Submitted by bnemec on Wed, 06/01/2016 - 21:55
I had hoped to have this ready before the Austin summit, didn't happen. Even so, this is the latest big advancement in OVB. It's now possible to do a baremetal-style deployment to OpenStack instances in a completely unmodified OpenStack cloud. Here's video proof: OVB on a stock OpenStack cloud.
Submitted by bnemec on Thu, 03/19/2015 - 20:54