Keepalived Log Parser for OpenShift On-Prem

Just a quick announcement of a tool I wrote recently to help with debugging of Keepalived behavior in an OpenShift On-Prem IPI cluster. This is specifically intended to handle the logs from the keepalived pods running in the openshift-[platform]-infra namespace, although with a little work it could probably be generalized to work with most any Keepalived configuration.

As you can hopefully see from the demo video I recorded, it provides a visual timeline of VIP movements and events. This has already been immensely helpful to me in debugging problems that get reported with our Keepalived pods. Being able to see instantly where the VIP was at any given time makes it much easier to narrow down when and where a problem may have occurred. Previously I had to manually read through all of the logs from all of the nodes in the cluster to see what was going on. Now I can pretty much jump to the exact point in time on the exact node where an error may have occurred.

In case you missed the link above: Keepalived Log Parser for OpenShift On-Prem